Friday 18 May 2012

My Favourite Freeware

These are the Free Programmes I use all the time and can really recommend:

Favourite e Mail Client.
Now this is the only one I use which has been good to me when you get used to the advertising.
It is Incredimail because of all the "specials" that come with the programme.
I have another one which I use now called POSTBOX EXPRESS. Not as fun as Incredimail but more functional

My favourite Uninstaller.
This is easy and has to be Revo Uninstaller. It is comprehensive and I have been using it ever since discovering it a couple of years ago.

Favourite Photo Editor.
This is also easy and has to be Helicon Filter.
I have tried many editors and have always returned to this one. It is easy to use and has a vast range of simple to use effects.

Favourite Video Converter.
This is a little more difficult and has to be a toss up between Any Video Converter and one I found a couple of months ago, This one is called Iwisoft Free Video Converter. What I like about Iwisoft is that it can be used to synchronise out of sync voice and music. When you get used to the program and what a "right click" can do you will surely add it to your Favorites.
It is also very useful when downloading segments from sites like You Tube. Part 1 to 8 for example. With Iwisoft you can convert the segments and "join" them all together into one file at the same time. Very handy..................
I have found another one which I actually prefer above the top two and that is one called FORMAT FACTORY. I have actually uninstalled Any Video Converter in favor of this one.

Favourite Downloader
Another easy one. it has to be FDM (Free Download Manager). This programme I have been using for a long time, having tried quite a few others but always coming back to this one.

Favourite CD/DVD Writer.
This is a toss up between Image Burn and another programme I found lately called Free Easy Burner. However I have just invested in Windows 7 and Free Easy seems to have a problem with it. It might just be me but with XP it was my writer of choice. Not to forget Nero Essentials.

Favourite Picture Resizer
This is also easy and the one I choose is Pixresizer.It is simple and fast. You can also do batch resizing.

Favourite Cleaner
Another easy one. Has to be CCleaner. It is very efficient and easy to use.

Favourite PC Doctor.
At the moment I am using Kingsoft PC Doctor however I am not very familiar with these programmes so there might be a better one ourt there. It just hangs around in the background minding its own business just doing its job.

Favourite Reminder/Note Taker/Diary
Easy as well and this is Otak. It is simple and very efficient. However at the time of writing I could not find a version for Windows 7 but this version does seem to be compatible with 7.

Favourite Torrent Downloader
This is a toss up between Utorrent, Bittorrent and Qbittorrent. There is not much to choose between the three of them but personally I go with Qbitorrent.

Favourite Anti Virus
I go with Avast or Microsoft Security Essentials on this one but I know a lot of people prefer AVG. I used AVG in the past and it does have its plus points. However I have been using Avast for many years and it has never let me down. When I got this computer it had Nortons installed on it. I uninstalled that in favor of Avast. I have now been experimenting with Essentials for a while and have had no problems.

Favourite Media Player.
Another easy one. It has to be VLC Media Player due to the fact that it reads ALL formats of video and audio.

Favourite YOU Tube Downloader
I have discovered one lately called Im TOO or Xilisoft which I am really using a lot. Easy to use and very efficient. However they do both seem to be a little unstable and every so often will "restart" themselves which is annoying when you are downloading something because you lose everything.

Favourite Web Site Downloader
At the moment I am using HTTrack Website Copier as well as Local Website Archive . Local Website Archive is easier to use but does not always download the whole site. HTT Track is more complicated to use but does download everything. I use them to download my bigger blogs "Just in case." 

Favourite File Unzipper
I think most people use WinZip but I am using Zip Genius as well as CamUnzip. They work as well as WinZip and are FREE.

Now I realise that this list is not very comprehensive but these are the programmes I use most and I think a lot of other people like myself also do. Hopefully it can be used as a guide for people looking for  Free and Efficient programmes.

If there are any that you would like me to try or update or I have made mistakes please let me know.
I will add programmes as I find them but it will take time because I need to test them thoroughly first.
May the Force be with you.